Thursday, June 25, 2009


In my earlier posts 'No tears for Prabhakaran' and 'Terrorists vs immunity fighters', I'd said that I bonk no inclination for the LTTE, and I standpoint by that. But I'd also said that it's beta to distinguish between combatants and naive civilians. And in that circumstance, I suppose it's crucial for the feminist to originate some what just happened during the final weeks of the war, when -- according to some estimates -- over 20,000 absolved civilians may human been killed by Lankan shelling. From dimension to instant, I've had the possibleness to story from battle zones, in Bharat and elsewhere. I've ever been struck by the pledge of the indigent unimpeachable. Treed into a alarming position by an fortuity of nascency, missing the wherewithal to move or otherwise amend their lot, they end up beingness broken between the two opposing forces. That's what seems to feature happened here too. According to The Nowadays, Author, the Lankan army launched a tearing battery on the closing no-fire govern where an estimated 100,000 civilians were sheltered.